Hello to all our fans: We now have eight or nine (two are us!) Anyway, we couldn't add anything to our "World Famous Blog" last night because we didn't have the Internet connection. So..Tuesday's Update...
We drove to Odessa, Midland and Abliene. The countryside is much like what we see in El Paso, great big desert...dry...hot except there are alot of oil wells pumping liquid black gold.
I cannot add pictures here, for some reason, they will not download to this site, but we will add another link, for your viewing pleasure.
We stayed last night at Sarah's Aunt Debbie's and Rich's home. It is in beautiful Corinth, close to Denton, TX. We had a few glasses of wine (I did)and a wonderful bar-b-qued rib dinner with all the trimmings. We had so much fun, Debbie and Rich!
We started off on our morning drive at 7:00 A.M. Way too early for me. After two cups of decaf coffee I finally woke up. The coffee didn't do it. It was the time of day.
We found some more terrible places to stop. Sarah needed more coffee so we left the turnpike for a surreal pit stop, and pit was what it was. The owner/manager was on the phone yelling in a foreign tongue, Pakastani or something. In the hallway by the bathrooms sat a toilet (previously used) something Sarah didn't see until she had left the ladies room. We are "PIT" magnets.
We both had a slight melt down, which I cannot go into details inorder to protect the innocent.
We arrived in Springfield, Mo.around 3:00P.M. and found our motel quite easily because our GPS really is good at it.
Springfield, Mo. is quite green, hilly and green because it RAINS here. What a concept, rain.
We looked up a knitting shoppe and spent some money. Had a delicious meal...steak, salad, no wine and now we are watching TV in our cool/cold room.
We listened to a news channel most of the day about the ordeal of the little girl who was kidnapped and later found at a car wash and now we can see the news and the sex offender killed himself...yes... good for all of us.
Good Night to All...And to All a Good Night
I wonder if the (now deceased) sex offender was a patron of the "Super Adult Book Store" you allude to on Sarah's FB page? Re the "used" toilet in the hallway, was it just an unplumbed toilet sitting in the hallway that somebody actually used??? This would be like the Jackass show we saw....and pretty awful. You all can sure pick the classy, ritzy places to stop. Well, thanks for the update and have a great continued voyage on Thursday.