Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunday, July 10, 2010

We are back at Quinn's, but didn't get here until noon, because we slept so late. "Why?" you ask, because the party lasted so long and we got in very late. We went directly to bed and at five in the morning I was still ...AWAKE....I had drank four caffeine sodas (with rum). It was the soda that kept me awake. Honest. So over at Quinn's we all took a few naps that day.

Around 4:00 P.M. Sarah wanted to go out on the boat and fish. Quinn was all too willing to go. He loves to go out on the river. I went along too. Before we left Maureen quietly told me, after she checked the weather channel, that it was suppose to rain...not shower...but bad ass storm. Ha..ha..snort...ha... we all thought, and away we went. We went directly down/up the river to the fishing place that was the "No wake" zone, and threw in our squiggly worms. Okay, truth be told here, Quinn had to put the squiggly worms on the hook for us and then we dropped them into the water. We were in that spot for quite some time. Sarah had one bite on her line, but no fish. We had been watching the sky all this time and noticed that the sky had definitely changed to dark bluish gray...time to go color. We slowly moved out of the "No wake" zone and went full throttle back to the little pier. A few rain drops fell, no matter. No rain coats or hooded sweat shirts for us, the Vikings. We made it to the pier, Sarah had hold of the tall pole but was worried about her eye glasses and let the boat drift away and then as Quinn was calmly telling her, "Forget the glasses and grab the pier"! Actually, I think he was screaming that last sentence. Well, all hell broke loose with the rain...downpour...drenching cold...sheets of water blasting us. Sarah and I were trying to get out of the way of the rain, but had no place to go. Quinn was trying to get the boat back to the pier. We were all soaked and freezing. Finally, after my shrieking about a rain coat in one of the storage bins, someone threw me a small plastic bag with a folded plastic poncho inside. I had a terrible time opening the bag and retrieving the bright yellow poncho. I did manage to get it on over my soaked clothes and it did help with keeping the freezing rain from my already soaked body. After I tied the hood cord under my chin I wanted to "quack" like a duck, but decided Quinn would not think that was so funny. He somehow secured the boat and went to get the car. The rain, in the mean time, did not let up.

Anyway, he got the car to the ramp and rescued us and sent us to get inside the car. He loaded the boat on to the trailer and finally we were on our way home. Poor Quinn he was drenched, but still with a sense of humor. He did his, Maureen -"I told you so routine". We did have to laugh at the entire trip and what a great story and memories, but no fish!!!


  1. Not since Hemmingway's The Old Man and the Sea have I enjoyed such riveting prose. Very exciting and well written....I felt wet and cold too. I'm glad to hear that you are having fun, even in the face of occasional adversity. Did you get any photos of you in the yellow poncho ??

  2. No photos in the yellow poncho. We were too wet to expose the camera to all the water. You will just have to take my word for it.
